90 Day Routine

Getting Started

Before getting started with this or any male enhancement routine, there are some important details that need to be understood.

While male enhancement should be considered a stepping stone towards self-mastery, it is not a substitute for mental hygiene. Because the penis does not respond well under negative emotional stress, it wouldn’t be in one’s best interest to use this course to attempt to resolve unmanageable depression or anxiety. It may very well make things worse since one would be negatively conditioning themselves each time they train.

No form of physical training is without its risks. The best way to minimize the risk of injury with this or any other type of training is to ease into it slowly. Make the form and feel of the exercise a priority over repetitions and tension. Not only will this help you to prevent injury, it will allow you to develop a solid foundation to work from.

It is recommended you get a thorough physical check up before beginning this or any other form of training or supplementation regimen. Making sure you undertake regular medical check ups will ensure you are on the right path and not causing yourself harm.

ALWAYS begin any new movement by using light intensity and volume. For jelqs and stretches, you should start with LESS intensity than you’d ordinarily use to masturbate. For kegel type movements you should use only enough contractile force as needed to accomplish each repetition.

A sign of proper training for any new trainee is when you come away from your initial sessions refreshed, but not exhausted. As your conditioning and kinesthetic sense improve you may add intensity and volume in a prudent manner. This advice also applies if you’re coming back to training after a long break.

The more intense methods are riskier and should only be used after reaching the appropriate levels of conditioning. As with any new movement, you should always err on the side of caution as regards the degree of force, pressure, and volume used.

If you suffer from MANAGEABLE stress or performance anxiety and/or mild to moderate erectile dysfunction, or if your erection quality (EQ) is below satisfactory levels, we highly recommend starting off with the “Stamina Only Routine” first. For moderate cases, one can expect to remain on the “Stamina Only” Course for two to three weeks, but this routine can be performed for more or less time as you see fit. It’s important to view this stage as an opportunity for growth- both in EQ, emotional confidence, and perhaps penis size.

If your EQ is borderline or you don’t feel ready for the Modified Jelq Free Routine, you can get started with the Transitional Course. We recommend performing a full cycle, which is 6 weeks of activity and 1 week of rest, of this course before moving on to the Modified Jelq Free Routine.

If your EQ and penile fitness are satisfactory, the recommended course would be the Modified Jelq Free Routine. We recommend 2 cycles of this (~90 days), as outlined before attempting any new changes.

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